Powerful solutions
for all your scheduling needs

Review Schedules

Feature enables you to review any construction schedule and get instant feedback on any potential issues

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Compare Schedules

Compare a new schedule to a baseline schedule in seconds and see any elements that have changed

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Generate Schedules

Using natural language generate new construction schedules, high level or detailed, from scratch.

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Train AI Model
  • Upload 10+ similar construction schedules

    Identify ideally a 100 but at the minimum 10+ construction schedule for a any project type. Ensure all data on the schedule PDFs is readable.

  • Identify project parameters

    For each schedule, identify project parameters, such as project footprint, location, cost and complexity. These parameters help our AI better understand your project.

  • Train custom AI Model

    Once the schedules are uploaded, and the parameters defined, simply train the model and our AI will understand each project and analyze the data to create a highly realistic scheduling model of the project type.

Review Schedules
  • Select a trained AI model

    With your custom scheduling model trained, you are ready to review any new project against the model. To start off select an available custom model.

  • Define project parameters and upload a schedule to review

    To help our AI understand the project you want to review, start by identifying key project parameters such location, size, cost and complexity and then upload the schedule you want to review.

  • GanttAI will provide feedback on discrepencies

    Once parameters are identified and schedule is uploaded, simply click on review button and our AI will analyze the uploaded schedule and highlight any deviations from the trained model, in seconds!

Compare Schedules
  • Upload a baseline schedule

    To compare two schedules, start by defining project parameters for the baseline schedule. This schedule is the “original” schedule that the new one will be compared against.

  • Upload a schedule to compare

    Now upload a second schedule that you want to compare to the baseline schedule. Here as well, identify the project parameters and upload the project schedule.

  • Gantt AI will provide feedback on the changes

    Once uploaded, GanttAI will compare the two schedule and show you any difference in the second schedule as referenced to the baseline. Saving your tremendous amounts of time review two schedules manually!

Generate Schedules
  • Select available trained model

    To generate a new construction schedule from scratch, you can use the generate gantt feature. Here you will start by selecting from any one of the available custom trained scheduling models.

  • Describe the project in natural language

    Once selected, simply write your project requirement in natural language, such as “I want to build a 10,000 sq ft warehouse in Montreal, and start project in April 2025, with a high level budget of 10 million dollars” and click on generate gantt

  • Makes changes to the schedule or run scenarios

    GanttAI will auto populate a construction schedule gantt chart based on it understanding of your project and the model parameters. Here you can also interact with GanttAI through our chat and run different project scenarios or make changes to the schedule.

Save more than 50%
of scheduling time

  • Generate high level project schedules for your clients in seconds
  • Run different project and scheduling scenarios for feasibility analysis
  • Review schedules provided by GCs or other consultants and identify discrepancies
  • Share schedule files with clients and collaborate through GanttAI
  • Get the most accurate understanding of project tasks and durations
  • Be able to identify differences in a new or two versions of a schedule in seconds,
  • Remove information asymetry between owners and general contractors
  • Ability to run scenario modeling to help resource and capital planning
  • Create detailed project schedules in seconds, saving scheduling hours.
  • Data driven duration for tasks minimizing chances of human errors.
  • Collaborate with trades in GanttAI
  • Share critical path items and 3 week look aheads with one click!

Get early access to GanttAI

    When training a model it is important to use schedules for any one project type, such as Retail, Residential Low Rise, Commercial etc. Once you have determined the project type, gather as many schedules as you can for this type and upload them one by one identifying a few project parameters for each uploaded schedule. Then it is a simple click to train the model!

    The more the merrier! For high reliability of the output we recommend a minimum of 100 schedules, however an acceptable output can be achieved with as little as 10 schedules.

    GanttAI will identify any missing tasks, deviations in durations, errors in start/end dates and dependencies. You can also ask GanttAI questions about the schedules and it will provide insights based on its understanding of your project.

    100%. We have created a unique model training feature to enable user to train their custom models using their project schedules to both increase relevance and maintain privacy of the data.